
On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 10:44:18 +0100, Alexw wrote
> I have noticed a PMT parsing issue with VDR version 1.7.x. The bug 
> is still present in version 1.7.3 but the behaviour is worst because 
> it segfaults.
> First I found out that 2 lines where added in the ParsePmt method.
>      Data += Data[0] + 1; // this is the first packet
>      Length -= Data[0] + 1;
> At the moment I don't know exactly what is the meaning of this 2 operations.

These lines are for handling the SI pointer field. Data[0] is the pointer
field, which contains the byte offset to the actual data (usually 0). "+ 1"
for the pointer field itself. 

The order of the two statements need to be reversed. First fix the length,
then the data pointer:

     Length -= Data[0] + 1;
     Data += Data[0] + 1;


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