On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 04:01:17PM +0100, Frank Schmirler wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Jan 2009 14:43:22 +0100, Alexw wrote
> > I have attached a raw TS capture (~10M) containing the PMT pid 132 
> > which is revealing the problem.
> Hum - PID 132 is a french dolby track, not a PMT PID...
> Cheers,
> Frank
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Frank, good shot. VDR is trying to parse PID 132 as if it was a PMT !!!

I have added a log message inside device.c and I have found that 
patPmtParser.PmtPid() returns pid 132 as PMT.
The error can be localized in the patPmtParser.PmtPid function. It is a good 

PAT: TSid = 32776, c/n = 1, v = 0, s = 0, ls = 0
     isNITPid = 0
     service id = 132, pid = 132
[5832] PMT PID = 132
PMT: sid = 132, c/n = 1, v = 0, s = 0, ls = 0
     pcr = 120
     stream type = 02, pid = 120
     stream type = 04, pid = 130 'fra'
     stream type = 04, pid = 131 'eng'
     stream type = 04, pid = 133 'deu'
     stream type = 06, pid = 132 AC3 'fra'
[5846] PMT PID = 132
[5846] PMT PID = 132
[5846] PMT PID = 132
[5846] ERROR: can't parse PMT

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