Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Why can't the eHD plugin just deliver a correct STC?
> It doesn't even have to be a "real" STC - the PTS of the most
> recently presented frame would do just fine.
I do not know. My comment has based on only observation and 
reelbox-plugin use. I can assume that some part of issue is buffering 
start, system needs some time to fill buffer with data and before that 
you can not get real delay value.

One item for these "long buffer" output devices is fast forward and 
rewind. It is quit difficult to skip commersials or find start of the 
program with 6s delay on video path. When user see video and press play, 
VDR is delay*speed over that spot. Vdr should compensate this and jump 
where user thinks to be on video.


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