On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 6:52 PM, Antti Hartikainen <ami+...@ah.fi> wrote:
> S2API patch didn't work with my DVB-T tuners so i needed to change tuning 
> code from dvbdevice.c a little bit (to do it like scan-s2
> did, as tuning worked fine with it)

I had the same problem, can you post a diff to apply on top of the
S2API patch to fix the DVB-T tuning problem?

> 4) Fast forward/rewind problems. Skipping with green/yellow buttons have 
> about 2-3 second delay >before anything happens. FF/FRWD with left/right 
> buttons work.. mm.. just poorly, never can know in >which point of recording 
> it will start playing again when pressing play.

I can confirm this problem with all version of VDR and reel plugin it
is very frustrating and makes controlling playback of recordings


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