If I change in pidscanner.c
IptvChannel->SetPids(Vpid, Ppid, 0, Apids, ALangs, Dpids, DLangs, Spids, 
SLangs, Tpid);
IptvChannel->SetPids(Vpid, Ppid, 2, Apids, ALangs, Dpids, DLangs, Spids, 
SLangs, Tpid);

I can see all channels.

Than I change pidscanner.c
#if defined(APIVERSNUM) && APIVERSNUM >= 10700
                SI::PMT::Stream stream;
                int Vtype = stream.getStreamType();
                IptvChannel->SetPids(Vpid, Ppid, Vtype, Apids, ALangs, 
Dpids, DLangs, Spids, SLangs, Tpid);

And add debug line in remux.c in vdr, and see:

vdr: [14719] switching to channel 183
vdr: [14887] IPTV streamer thread ended (pid=14719, tid=14887)
vdr: [14886] receiver on device 9 thread ended (pid=14719, tid=14886)
vdr: [14893] receiver on device 9 thread started (pid=14719, tid=14893)
vdr: [14894] IPTV streamer thread started (pid=14719, tid=14894)
vdr: [14891] Text2Skin: menu display update thread ended (pid=14719, 
vdr: [14719]      stream type = 02, pid = 300
vdr: [14719]      stream type = 04, pid = 301
vdr: [14896] Text2Skin: channelInfo display update thread started 
(pid=14719, tid=14896)
vdr: [14895] [VideoOut] reset: sync info: repF = 15, drpF = 0, totF = 114
vdr: [14893] changing pids of channel 183 from 300+300=2:301:0:0 to 
vdr: [14719] retuning due to modification of channel 183
vdr: [14719] switching to channel 183
vdr: [14894] IPTV streamer thread ended (pid=14719, tid=14894)
vdr: [14893] receiver on device 9 thread ended (pid=14719, tid=14893)
vdr: [14900] receiver on device 9 thread started (pid=14719, tid=14900)
vdr: [14901] IPTV streamer thread started (pid=14719, tid=14901)
vdr: [14719]      stream type = 47, pid = 300
vdr: [14719]      stream type = 04, pid = 301
vdr: [14902] [VideoOut] reset: sync info: repF = 0, drpF = 0, totF = 0
vdr: [14904] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 1352.643 ms long)
vdr: [14904] [softdevice-audio]: xrun

What is a stream type = 47 ??!

> As a quick hack, you should disable PAT tables in IPTV's section filter
> (or disable channel updates in VDR) and manually edit the channel entry
> to use a correct video stream type (501+501=2).

Success if I disable pid and sid update in iptv channel menu.
Disable PAT tables not help...

If I remove all changes in pidscanner.c, I have:

vdr: [16900] switching to channel 270
vdr: [16974] IPTV streamer thread ended (pid=16900, tid=16974)
vdr: [16973] receiver on device 9 thread ended (pid=16900, tid=16973)
vdr: [16977] receiver on device 9 thread started (pid=16900, tid=16977)
vdr: [16978] IPTV streamer thread started (pid=16900, tid=16978)
vdr: [16900]      stream type = 00, pid = 901
vdr: [16900]      stream type = 04, pid = 902
vdr: [16980] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 451.542 ms long)
vdr: [16980] [softdevice-audio]: xrun

vdr not change stream type from 0, which give him a pidscanner.

Who must change stream type to actual, vdr or iptv plugin?

I can send a ts dump, how long and what mail?

Thank you.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rolf Ahrenberg" <rahre...@cc.hut.fi>
To: "VDR Mailing List" <vdr@linuxtv.org>
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: [vdr] vdr-1.7.4 and iptv plugin

> On Thu, 5 Mar 2009, ua0lnj wrote:
>> Sometimes when change channel I can see normal iptv aprox. 3 sec, but 
>> after
>> still picture again...
>> vdr: [5981] changing pids of channel 259 from 501+501=2:502:0:0 to
>> 501+501=0:502:0:0
>> vdr: [5852] retuning due to modification of channel 259
> VDR's PAT/PMT scanner detects changes in pid information usually after a
> few seconds and the channel it retuned as your log states. If you look
> at the change, you'll see that VDR changes the video stream type from
> MPEG2 (2) to an invalid/reserved (0) value. Software decoders might rely
> on that that information and therefore cannot display the video.
> As a quick hack, you should disable PAT tables in IPTV's section filter
> (or disable channel updates in VDR) and manually edit the channel entry
> to use a correct video stream type (501+501=2).
> Now, the real question is why the video stream type is marked as zero in
> your streams: a bug in vdr, a bug in iptv plugin, or some kind of
> attempt from your provider to allow only their proprietary hardware? If
> it's the latter one, you could try simply to make VDR detect stream type
> 0 as a MPEG2 (0x02) or H264 (0x1B) stream in pat.c, although I cannot
> see how you could end up with non-zero video pid with zeroed video type
> in current VDR code base. Are you using any other VDR patches than the
> pluginparam?
> You could always provide us a stream dump for further analyzing:
> $ emcast > dump.ts
> BR,
> --
> rofa
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