Am Fri, 10 Apr 2009 12:28:35 +0200
schrieb Udo Richter <>:

> On 08.04.2009 15:41, Gerald Dachs wrote:
> > On every start of the vdr I get this error message:
> >    Apr 2 00:33:36 vdr vdr: [2462] ERROR (thread.c,225): Keine
> > Berechtigung It comes from cThread::SetPriority and seems to be
> > harmless, but annoying. Is the attached patch the right cure?
> >
> >    void cThread::SetPriority(int Priority)
> >    {
> > -  if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, Priority)<  0)
> > +  if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, getuid(), Priority)<  0)
> >         LOG_ERROR;
> >    }
> This is definitely wrong. setpriority expects a process ID together
> with PRIO_PROCESS, not an user ID.

Oh yes, you are right, I didn't read the man page careful enough,
sorry. getuid() makes only sense with PRIO_USER.


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