On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 1:49 AM, Andrey Kuzmin <mailli...@egodot.net> wrote:
>> If there's any intention to add live tv caching then ram should
>> definitely be available to the user as a storage option.  Although I
>> don't really care about the feature, I don't mind if my ram is being
>> used whereas I absolutely don't want a harddrive constantly running
>> for it.  Btw, I haven't paid more then $20 for 2x2GB sticks of ram in
>> ages, though I always take advantage of MIR's on them.  I actually
>> have 8GB sitting new in the packaging but didn't want to pass up some
>> great deals. :)
> RAM  +  HDD  =  SSD

More like flash ram + hdd = ssd.  You don't want to use an ssd for
something like this just yet.  Btw, I picked up a 30GB ssd drive which
is now the os drive on my Vista 64 desktop.  Damn nice!  Boots to
desktop in about 7 seconds.  Almost no load time for apps (even large
with many plugins).  I can't wait until ssd technology matures a
little more and the price drops!

> Overheating,  spinning... it's something from dinosaurs' era :))

Yes! :)

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