Am 19.02.2010 17:09, schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> It has been exactly 10 years since version 0.01 of VDR (originally
> named "OSM" - On Screen Menu) was released.

What an anniversary! 10 Years, and still alive!

In case you're celebrating it this evening: Cheers from here!

For me I'm still a bit away from celebrating: The oldest download in my
archive is the source code of vdr-1.2.1 on 2003-07-19, 6 1/2 years ago.
>From there, in less than a year, I was doing contributions too. Since
then I didn't ever look back to my analogue SAT receiver or my VHS tape
recorder a single time.

But VDR did change more than my TV habits: Within the VDR community I've
met lots of incredible people, especially on RL meetings like VDR Camp
(see you 2010-06-11 til -13 in Kandel). VDR has a really great
community, and I really enjoy being a part of it.

May the next 10 years be as good as the last 10 were!



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