Hi mailing list, perhaps this question was asked on other forums
before (maybe even in a different language). Google failed to bring up
search results for vdr idle cpu usage. I have vdr 1.7.14 running with
the only plugins dummydevice and streamdev-server, no client is
currently connected and on my Pentium 3 machine 1GHz, it uses between
10% ~ 15% cpu "idling". This is also after a restart of vdr  and
tuning to a channel that has got no video and audio. So now my
question is, why would vdr use even more than 1% cpu usage, compared
to other services like mediatomb that if not in use is about 0.1%. Is
this a requirement that vdr uses this much all the time?

I'm not trying to start a flame war or who is to blame but are there
ways I can inspect to see which plugin is causing it, if is a plugin
to blame.


vdr mailing list

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