On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 11:48 AM, Gerald Dachs <v...@dachsweb.de> wrote:
>> Thanks, I just send him a private message providing a link to this
>> thread and asked that he read it when he has a few free minutes so I
>> don't have to copy&paste.
> He told already in the vdr-portal that he wouldn't like to subscribe to this
> list. Generally it might be better if you would have a little bit more work
> doing cut&paste than the plugin author, because he is very busy working on
> the plugin.

There's a large non-german speaking VDR population that wouldn't know
that because of the fact. I've noticed in the past that people at
vdr-portal seem to get annoyed when someone asks them to repeat what
they've already said in german, but again in english. :\

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