
i use VDR on a atevio 7500 it works realy fine.

But i have a Problem with DVB-C (Unitmedia Alphacrypt um02)

Actually i'm using vdr-1.7.27 with this plugin.

With normal channel switching it works fine. if i use private channels from 
unitymedia, hangs the after switching.

if i go from sat1 to zdf and put the cam out then i got this massage.
vdr: [972] ERROR: can't write to CI adapter on device 0: Invalid argument
vdr: [972] CAM 1: no module present

I have a feeling, if i switch then the cam modul dont stop. 

i comment out
 /* if (CamSlot() && !ChannelCamRelations.CamDecrypt(Channel->GetChannelID(), 
 StartTransferMode |= LiveView && IsPrimaryDevice() && Channel->Ca() >= 

becouse if vdr start on a decrypting channel then i have a lock. if i comment 
out i have to switch one time to get a lock.

can some help me please

p.s. sorry for my englisch ;)
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