W dniu 2012-05-05 20:15, Matti Lehtimäki pisze:
New features in 0.1.0:
- Support for character set conversion for selected channels.
- Support for stripping HTML entities.
- Supply user with extra information for each setup menu option using
Info key.

Homepage for the plugin:

I'm tryin charset recoding but no luck.

1) I currently use VDR headless. It means I can't see OSD and so I don't know if epgfixer needs some "switching on" causing some variables written to VDR conf file?

2) Could you implement some log messages about conversion?
I know epgfixer starts, but I don't know if it has read configuration files and tries to use them.
My configuration is in charset.conf:
I've tried also
but it doesn't seem to recode anything.

3)I test on one channel only:
TVP 2;CYFRA +:10892:HC34M2S0:S13.0E:27500:167=2:108=pol@4:508:100,1813,500,B00,B01:4808:318:11900:0
Unfortunatelly this channel is encrypted.

VDR alone produces sth like this:
May  6 23:52:53 wuwek vdr: [29565] EPG bugfix statistics
May  6 23:52:53 wuwek vdr: [29565] =====================
May 6 23:52:53 wuwek vdr: [29565] IF SOMEBODY WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THE EPG DATA FOR ONE OF THE LISTED May 6 23:52:53 wuwek vdr: [29565] CHANNELS READS THIS: PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE FUNCTION cEvent::FixEpgBugs() May 6 23:52:53 wuwek vdr: [29565] IN VDR/epg.c TO LEARN WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR DATA, AND FIX IT!
May  6 23:52:53 wuwek vdr: [29565] =====================
May  6 23:52:53 wuwek vdr: [29565] Fix Hits Channels
May  6 23:52:53 wuwek vdr: [29565] 7   5    TVP 2
It's sign that charset of epg is broken.
I would like to know if this messages is produced after or before epgfixer work.

4) I use UTF-8 in system. I have problem how to recognize charset of epg on this channel. I was trying to parse /var/cache/vdr/epg.data but it seems that encoding is broken. Seems like some polish characters are saved on 2 chars (UTF), but it's not proper pair to create polish character.
So instead of:
100 tysięcy bocianów
I'm getting:
100 tysiЮecy bocianТow


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