On 04/09/2014 08:53 PM, Peter Münster wrote:

Here a little feature request:

Problem: the children are watching a recording, and at the end VDR
switches to normal live TV, that can be anything. I have to be there at
the right moment to turn off the screen and the sound, in order to bring
them to leave the tv-room.

I would be nice, if VDR could turn off the sound at the end of a replay
and show a still image (e.g. "Children, go to bed now!").

What do you think about that?

It should be possible to make a quite simple plugin which would do this. The 
cStatus-class in status.h has a function Replaying which is called when replaying 
starts or stops. Implementing this function in a plugin would allow to do the 
necessary things i.e. turning off the sound with 
cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->ToggleMute() and using something derived from for 
example the pictures-plugin to show a still image. As this should be rather simple 
I'll look into it during the weekend and see if I'll manage to make a working 


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