Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 10:21:10AM +0100, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Is there an actual problem that requires this?
It has been that way for many, many years, so I'd like to see more than "looks problematic to me" before I dare touch this ;-).

The only problem that I am currently aware of is something specific to rpihddevice shutdown and not VDR itself, and so far it only occurred when I compiled the code with -fsanitize=undefined.

Some 15 years ago, VDR startup with softdevice (not softhddevice) would hang once in a few months (say, once in 100 to 300 attempts) on a single-core system, but I don't remember trying to analyze it back then. It should have been on a 2.6 kernel and NPTL (not LinuxThreads), that is, not too different from what we have now.

Code around thread creation and destruction is indeed tricky, and the current implementation could be fine, only not "in good style" according to ThreadSanitizer. If there is not too much thread creation and destruction during normal usage, any actual race conditions might only affect startup or shutdown.

I could give ThreadSanitizer another try, on a PC and a USB receiver stick, to see what it complains during normal usage, and if something can be fixed easily. My main motivation is to learn to use the tool, in order to make use of it in another (much larger) code base that will require some additional instrumentation due to the use of some custom synchronization primitives.


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