
I'm trying to run the following script in before_vm_start hook:

import subprocess

args = ['brctl', 'addbr', 'net10']
print("Running command: " + " ".join(args))
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

I get the following error:
add bridge failed: Operation not permitted

From Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.0 Documentation"
"Before VDSM is started on the hypervisor host. before_vdsm_start hooks are 
executed as the user root, and do not inherit the environment of the VDSM 

As I understand it there should be no problem if user root executes this script.
When giving the vdsm user the right sudo permissions and adding sudo to the 
command - it works.

Is the documentation wrong or am I missing something?

Best regards,
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