2013-1-15 5:34, Ayal Baron:
image and volume are overused everywhere and it would be extremely confusing to 
have multiple meanings to the same terms in the same system (we have image 
today which means virtual disk and volume which means a part of a virtual disk).
Personally I don't like the distinction between image and volume done in 
ec2/openstack/etc seeing as they're treated as different types of entities 
there while the only real difference is mutability (images are read-only, 
volumes are read-write).
To move to the industry terminology we would need to first change all 
references we have today to image and volume in the system (I would say also in 
ovirt-engine side) to align with the new meaning.
Despite my personal dislike of the terms, I definitely see the value in 
converging on the same terminology as the rest of the industry but to do so 
would be an arduous task which is out of scope of this discussion imo (patches 
welcome though ;)

Another distinction between Openstack and oVirt is how the Nova/ovirt-engine look upon storage systems. In Openstack, a stand alone storage service(Cinder) exports the raw storage block device to Nova. On the other hand, in oVirt, storage system is highly bounded with the cluster scheduling system which integrates storage sub-system, VM dispatching sub-system, ISO image sub systems. This combination make all of the sub-system integrated in a whole which is easy to deploy, but it make the sub-system more opaque and not harder to reuse and maintain. This new storage API proposal give us an opportunity to distinct these sub-systems as new components which export better, loose-coupling APIs to VDSM.

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舒明 Shu Ming
Open Virtualization Engineerning; CSTL, IBM Corp.
Tel: 86-10-82451626  Tieline: 9051626 E-mail:shum...@cn.ibm.com  
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