Nir Soffer has posted comments on this change.

Change subject: v2v: Add convertExternalVm for XmlRpc

Patch Set 2: Code-Review-1


Need to fix password handling and and docs, and make names match the schema or 
the help.
File client/

Line 1926: 
Line 1927:     def convertExternalVm(self, args):
Line 1928:         validateArgTypes(args, [str, str, str, parse_dict, str],
Line 1929:                          requiredArgsNumber=5)
Line 1930:         uri, username, password, properties, job_id = args
- password should be auth (match the help, this raw auth string)
- properties should be vminfo (match the schema)
- job_id should be jobid (match the schema)
Line 1931:         password = getAuthFromArgs(args, password)
Line 1932:         response = self.s.convertExternalVm(uri, username, password,
Line 1933:                                             properties, job_id)
Line 1934:         if response['status']['code'] != 0:

Line 1927:     def convertExternalVm(self, args):
Line 1928:         validateArgTypes(args, [str, str, str, parse_dict, str],
Line 1929:                          requiredArgsNumber=5)
Line 1930:         uri, username, password, properties, job_id = args
Line 1931:         password = getAuthFromArgs(args, password)
Should be:

    password = getPassword(auth)

If we like to support also plain password:

    if auth.startswith('auth='):
        password = getPassword(auth)
        password = auth

Not sure that we do want this - need to check what other verb support.
Line 1932:         response = self.s.convertExternalVm(uri, username, password,
Line 1933:                                             properties, job_id)
Line 1934:         if response['status']['code'] != 0:
Line 1935:             return response['status']['code'], 

Line 1929:                          requiredArgsNumber=5)
Line 1930:         uri, username, password, properties, job_id = args
Line 1931:         password = getAuthFromArgs(args, password)
Line 1932:         response = self.s.convertExternalVm(uri, username, password,
Line 1933:                                             properties, job_id)
Line 1934:         if response['status']['code'] != 0:
Line 1935:             return response['status']['code'], 
Line 1936:         return 0, 'Job started'
Line 1937: 

Line 2818:                 'Argumemnts:',
Line 2819:                 '  uri:      uri of external system (vmware etc)',
Line 2820:                 '  username: login name for given uri',
Line 2821:                 '  auth:     password for given uri, can be: ',
Line 2822:                 '            file:path or auth=env:name or 
Are you sure this is the expected input?

I think it should be:

    auth=file:path or auth=env:name or auth=pass:password

Do we want to support plain password also?

Please check other code using this auth mechanism and be consistent.
Line 2823:                 '  vminfo:   string dictionary, parameter for 
Line 2824:                 '            {"vmName": "name",',
Line 2825:                 '             "poolId":, "<Guid>",',
Line 2826:                 '             "domainId": "<Guid",',

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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: I94d7886e1295f5e98d0fafc8837567ff383a6c7a
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Shahar Havivi <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Dan Kenigsberg <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Francesco Romani <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Michal Skrivanek <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Nir Soffer <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Shahar Havivi <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: oVirt Jenkins CI Server
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
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