Francesco Romani has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: WIP: sampling: make _getCpuCoresStats a function

WIP: sampling: make _getCpuCoresStats a function

Change-Id: If602a84096db7aa7d1a6672b84d62287e08b0ac2
Signed-off-by: Francesco Romani <>
M vdsm/virt/
1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/29/40429/1

diff --git a/vdsm/virt/ b/vdsm/virt/
index cbe53ef..f61514b 100644
--- a/vdsm/virt/
+++ b/vdsm/virt/
@@ -649,40 +649,10 @@
             stats['bootTime'] = self._boot_time()
         stats['numaNodeMemFree'] = hs1.numaNodeMem.nodesMemSample
-        stats['cpuStatistics'] = self._getCpuCoresStats()
+        stats['cpuStatistics'] = _get_cpu_core_stats(hs0, hs1)
         stats['v2vJobs'] = v2v.get_jobs_status()
         return stats
-    def _getCpuCoresStats(self):
-        """
-        :returns: a dict that with the following formats:
-            {'<cpuId>': {'numaNodeIndex': int, 'cpuSys': 'str',
-             'cpuIdle': 'str', 'cpuUser': 'str'}, ...}
-        """
-        cpuCoreStats = {}
-        for nodeIndex, numaNode in caps.getNumaTopology().iteritems():
-            cpuCores = numaNode['cpus']
-            for cpuCore in cpuCores:
-                coreStat = {}
-                coreStat['nodeIndex'] = int(nodeIndex)
-                hs0, hs1 = self._samples[0], self._samples[-1]
-                interval = hs1.timestamp - hs0.timestamp
-                jiffies = (hs1.cpuCores.getCoreSample(cpuCore)['user'] -
-                           hs0.cpuCores.getCoreSample(cpuCore)['user']) % \
-                    (2 ** 32)
-                coreStat['cpuUser'] = ("%.2f" % (jiffies / interval))
-                jiffies = (hs1.cpuCores.getCoreSample(cpuCore)['sys'] -
-                           hs0.cpuCores.getCoreSample(cpuCore)['sys']) % \
-                    (2 ** 32)
-                coreStat['cpuSys'] = ("%.2f" % (jiffies / interval))
-                coreStat['cpuIdle'] = ("%.2f" %
-                                       max(0.0, 100.0 -
-                                           float(coreStat['cpuUser']) -
-                                           float(coreStat['cpuSys'])))
-                cpuCoreStats[str(cpuCore)] = coreStat
-        return cpuCoreStats
     def _getInterfacesStats(self):
@@ -754,6 +724,36 @@
         return stats
+def _get_cpu_core_stats(hs0, hs1):
+    """
+    :returns: a dict that with the following formats:
+        {'<cpuId>': {'numaNodeIndex': int, 'cpuSys': 'str',
+         'cpuIdle': 'str', 'cpuUser': 'str'}, ...}
+    """
+    cpuCoreStats = {}
+    for nodeIndex, numaNode in caps.getNumaTopology().iteritems():
+        cpuCores = numaNode['cpus']
+        for cpuCore in cpuCores:
+            coreStat = {}
+            coreStat['nodeIndex'] = int(nodeIndex)
+            interval = hs1.timestamp - hs0.timestamp
+            jiffies = (hs1.cpuCores.getCoreSample(cpuCore)['user'] -
+                       hs0.cpuCores.getCoreSample(cpuCore)['user']) % \
+                (2 ** 32)
+            coreStat['cpuUser'] = ("%.2f" % (jiffies / interval))
+            jiffies = (hs1.cpuCores.getCoreSample(cpuCore)['sys'] -
+                       hs0.cpuCores.getCoreSample(cpuCore)['sys']) % \
+                (2 ** 32)
+            coreStat['cpuSys'] = ("%.2f" % (jiffies / interval))
+            coreStat['cpuIdle'] = ("%.2f" %
+                                   max(0.0, 100.0 -
+                                       float(coreStat['cpuUser']) -
+                                       float(coreStat['cpuSys'])))
+            cpuCoreStats[str(cpuCore)] = coreStat
+    return cpuCoreStats
 def _getLinkSpeed(dev):
     if dev.isNIC():
         speed = netinfo.nicSpeed(

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: If602a84096db7aa7d1a6672b84d62287e08b0ac2
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Francesco Romani <>
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