This seems to me like a problem that (I hope) is a common one and has been
solved.   On certain 'impact' velocity powered pages, I would like to provide
non technical content editors the means of adding content to a specific
portion of a velocity template, in such a way that the content is rendered
dynamically and can be changed on a different schedule and independently of
the template itself or the build/deploy cycle.  So basically I would like to
include some static html from an external URL when the template is parsed and
Note that the #include doesn't sound like the right approach since this
includes actual files from the template root - I would like to 'include' the
content from an external URL so that the content does not need to be tied to
our build and deploy process and can exist and be changed completely in our
'static content' area by content editors.
One idea I had was to make a custom velocity tool that reads the content in
via a Java http get request that can be called from VTL with the url to get-
I like this idea because the tool can be expanded to cache content for higher
demand pages, but I would like to hear some other suggestions.
Peter Locke
Senior Engineer / Dev Lead <> 
t: 250.412.3240
f: 250.475-6014
P.S. I'm currently reading What's Bred in the Bone
ertson+davies&tn=what%27s+bred+in+the+bone>  by Robertson Davies

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