Unfortunately, the Forum example is rather dated, and applies to older
versions of Tomcat.  We've dropped it in the upcoming release and in
fact have deprecated VelocityServlet (which it is based on).

We suggest you download the subproject "Velocity Tools" which has
improved support for webapps, and contains a tutorial of its own. See
this URL for some more info on using Velocity with webapps.


On 10/11/06, Nils, Maratron.ch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have done this as explained in the README.txt:

1. Build the demo by running ./build-velocity.sh forumdemo
2. Drop the WAR (forumdemo.war) made in the Velocity bin into your Tomcat 
webapps directory.
3. Start Tomcat ( this will expand the forumdemo.war
4. Point your browser to http://yourhost.com/forumdemo

now I can go to http://yourhost.com/forumdemo where the main entrance shows ok, 
but if I want to see the posts or post it I get:

description The requested resource (/forumdemo/servlet/forum) is not available.

Is that cause I built forumdemo.war with "ant examples" and not 
./build-velocity.sh forumdemo (which doesnt do anything on windows anyways)?

Forio Business Simulations

Will Glass-Husain

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