well just append it as a get value (1) to each url or add it to a session variable(2).

(1) each url (including the one in your forms 'action') will need the variable added to it, e.g. http://somedomain/someurl.jsp?somevarieble=xxx

(2) never used this as I have a multi-server environment and sessions do not persist across the servers, but if you've only one server you could use this option. I don't believe it's too difficult. Look it up in google.

I thought about that but unfortunately the value has to be passed even if users don't use the form. But I can't put it in a separate form either...

Erica Ren
Developer, Technical Operations / Opérations techniques
E-Services Branch / Cyber Services Canadian Heritage / Patrimoine canadien

Room 26B, 8th Floor, 15 rue Eddy
Gatineau, Québec K1A 0M5

Paul Loy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/10/2006 11:07 AM
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"Velocity Users List" <velocity-user@jakarta.apache.org>

Velocity Users List <velocity-user@jakarta.apache.org>

Re: How to pass values between velocity and servlet

can you not just use the same form - just add a hidden field!


I have a parameter on a velocity template which I need to pass to my servlet to do some calculation, and then pass it back to the velocity template for rendering new content. I'm already using a form filter through HTTPRequest so I cannot use another form to pass on the data.
idea is to make it a hyperlink instead. Is there a way to do it without

sending it through a form? Thank you.


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