I am using Spring as my MVC framework so there are mappings to .htm files
that use Velocity to render the page.  I want to be able to print out
the name of the Velocity template being used for development purposes.
But I don't know where to get the value.  None of these does the trick:

PATH TRANSLATED: $request.pathTranslated

REQUEST URL: $request.requestURL

REQUEST URI: $request.requestURI

SERVLET PATH: $request.servletPath

REAL PATH: $request.realPath

SCRIPT NAME: $request.getHeader( "SCRIPT_NAME" )

Does anyone know what I should be using to print out the correct variable?

My path is /user/viewUser.htm but the velocity page is /view_user.vm.  How
do I display "/view_user.vm"?

Thanks a lot.


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