Title: Frozen / suspended tapes
If it's recent frozen tapes, in large amounts, I've seen this done due to hardware mount failures.
Check your media error report, it'll tell you why.
bperror -media -<opts>
       bperror  [-all|-problems|-media|{-backstat [-by_statcode]}]
           [-L|-l|-U] [-columns ncols]
           [-d mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS|-hoursago hours] [-e mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS]
           [-client client_name] [-server server_name]
           [-jobid job_id] [-jobgroupid job_group_id]
           [-M master_server,...] [-v]
Also check the contents of ../netbackup/db/media/errors on your master server, too.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Hindle, Greg
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 8:57 AM
To: veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Frozen / suspended tapes

We are getting a fair amount of frozen and suspended tapes over the weekend. What are the causes for tapes getting into these states?


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