We have been running 430's in pilot between Hong Kong, Atlanta, and DC
specifically testing the replication piece.  It works very well, and is
effectively allowing us to go tapeless. We will still roll off monthly
or quarterly backups to tape for archiving/long-term storage.  

With the incredible results we've seen so far with de-duplication and
compression, we expect to be able to keep at least 90 days of backups
online.  We are currently averaging 25 to 1 compression on the boxes
that have been running for the last 90 days.  

We have also seen our backup windows drop down to a fraction of when we
were running to tape (DLT IV and LTO 1).  In one of our sites, with
~100GB of Exchange data, the backup time went from just over 11 hours
down to less than 1 hour.  We have seen similar results on restore
times.  I did not think BackupExec was capable of that kind of

We will be receiving (3) 460's and (6) 410's this week for our remaining
offices to replace our current tape libraries.  My backup guys can't
wait to get these configured and in place.

John Thomas | IT Manager | 404-885-3742 (office) |

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eddie
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:24 PM
To: veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Experiences with DataDomain

We currently have 3 of the DD460 Restorer products in production and I
have to say that it is one of the best innovations in the data backup
and restore in a while.

Use it to store all SQL, Oracle dumps, Exchange 2003 and as a disk
unit via Netbackup as well.

We're seeing about 12.5x compression for our Exchange backups.   The
cost of the storage alone was well worth the buy for us but having
that capacity optimization allows us to retain up to 30 days on disk
for quick restores is huge.  Performance of the unit allows us to
drive our tape drives adequately and reduced the shoe shining effect
that we've previously seen when backing up from media server directly
to tape.

Can't wait to test out logical replication built into the product over
the WAN.

Eddie Tang
Manager, IT Global Operations - Infrastructure Projects and Shared
Business Objects Corp.
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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