Title: Netbackup 5.1 tape selection problem

Hi all.  We are running 5.1 of Netbackup Enterprise for Solaris, when executing a backup, Netbackup skips over valid tapes in the pool, and even tries some in other pools, then fails with code 96.  I included the bptm log entries for the backup.  The retention level is 1, and you can see it only tries to select two tapes from the Tools-Data pool, 0242L1 which is retention 3, and 0227L1 which is retention 3.  It does not select the valid ACTIVE tapes 0234L1 and 0244L1.  Then it tries to select tapes in other pools, one with a retention of 9.  I am not sure why it does not select the valid tapes, and why it tries other tapes in other pools?  Can anyone help explain this odd behavior?

Thanks,  Jeff

15:47:28.356 [10740] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 2): -w -c server-a -den 20 -rt 8 -rn 1 -stunit server-b-hcart3-robot-tld-1 -cl server-c -bt 1157582845 -b server-c_1157582845 -st 4 -cj 2 -p Tools-Data -hostname server-c -ru root -rclnt server-c -rclnthostname server-c -rl 1 -rp 1209600 -sl Inc -ct 0 -maxfrag 1048576 -mediasvr media-a -jobid 78378 -jobgrpid 78378 -masterversion 510000

15:47:29.122 [10740] <2> select_media: added 29 media id's to list that matched robot number/type and media type

15:47:29.122 [10740] <2> select_media: skipping media id 0242L1, either FULL or FROZE or SUSPENDED or IMPORTED

15:47:29.122 [10740] <2> select_media: skipping media id 0227L1, it is not the correct retention_level

15:47:29.122 [10740] <2> select_media: skipping media id 0228L1, it is not the correct retention_level

15:47:29.122 [10740] <2> select_media: skipping media id 0222L1, it is not the correct retention_level

15:47:29.122 [10740] <2> select_media: skipping media id 0231L1, it is not in correct storage unit or volume pool

15:47:29.122 [10740] <2> select_media: getting new media id for retention level 1

Tools-Data pool

0227L1  HCART3   TLD      1       15     -       3     356435552        ACTIVE

0238L1  HCART3   TLD      1       14     -       3     31500384              ACTIVE

0244L1  HCART3   TLD      1       23     -       1     320995360        ACTIVE

0230L1  HCART3   TLD      1       19     -       3     423828448        FULL

0242L1  HCART3   TLD      1       24     -       3     444376576        FULL

0247L1  HCART3   TLD      1       7      -       1     495842208        FULL

sbsda-app1-data01 pool

0228L1  HCART3   TLD      1       30     -       9     24508608         ACTIVE

Tools-Systems pool

0222L1  HCART3   TLD      1       4      -       3     8487424          ACTIVE

0231L1  HCART3   TLD      1       17     -       1     9993120          ACTIVE

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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