Morning All

I have been asked to put a report together detailing all the valid
images in an environment.

So what I have done is performed a bpimagelist since 1970 to date using
the "idonly" , option to extract every backupid on the system. Once this
is retrieved I then perform a separate bpimagelist per backupid and
extract the Info to append to a formatted output report.

Two questions really ...

1. Due to the number of images this report can take up to 3.5 hours ,
can anyone think of a quicker way of doing this.

2. When I produce the original list the list is approx 3500 images. By
the time the report finishes the report has reported on nearly 600
images less than the total 3500. Initially I thought there was a simple
explanation i.e. during the time the report was running , images where
expiring but this doesn't seem to be the case . I seem to remember a
utility whereas you can clean up the catalog ?



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