Thank you for all the messages,

    I read few messages of the solution " falconstore " VTL of storagetek.
    Do you think that the DSSU will replace the solutions VTL ?


Hampus Lind a écrit :

>Here in Sweden Diligent is pretty cheap I think, or at least at the same
>level as other vendors. But of course management people can twist things the
>other way...
>Did you go with another VTL/de-dup solution instead? 
>Hampus Lind
>National Police Board
>Tel dir: +46 (0)8 - 401 99 43
>Tel mob: +46 (0)70 - 217 92 66
>-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
>Från: Martin, Jonathan (Contractor) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Skickat: den 15 september 2006 15:33
>Till: Hampus Lind; Paul Keating; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>Ämne: RE: [Veritas-bu] problems with VTL StorageTek solution ?
>We were looking at an offsite backup solution w/ Diligent here and everyone
>we talked to (Local Reseller, Diligent Sales & Technical resources) said our
>HDS AMS500 w/ SATA Shelves would be fine.  In the end we balked at the
>Diligent Protectier software cost and went another way but cost aside this
>solution was our best choice.
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hampus Lind
>Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 9:12 AM
>To: 'Paul Keating'; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] problems with VTL StorageTek solution ?
>ProtecTier on work over FC protocol but I have never heard that it require
>FC disk... When I meet with diligent people from Israel, I told them that we
>already have 7 TB of SATA that we which to "re-use", that would be no
>problem, they said.
>They only support FC arrays today, but in that array you can have both FC
>and SATA drives. It feels strange creating a backup-to-disk solution that
>only support FC disks...
>The guy selling you ProtecTier, does he work at HDS and want you to buy a
>solution that includes expensive FC disks?? ;-)
>I think you need to find another source to Diligent, or perhaps I need to
>find one that tells me the truth.. :-)
>Hampus Lind
>National Police Board
>Tel dir: +46 (0)8 - 401 99 43
>Tel mob: +46 (0)70 - 217 92 66
>-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
>Från: Paul Keating [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Skickat: den 15 september 2006 14:51
>Till: Hampus Lind; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>Ämne: RE: [Veritas-bu] problems with VTL StorageTek solution ?
>I like the look of the ProtecTIER product.
>However, I've come up with some information that I can't get a hard answer
>The info I got from Diligent coonfused me even more.
>Everything I can find, and am told by either HDS, or Diligent says that
>Protectier requires FC in, not SATA......
>I find this confusing.....sure the data de-duplication technology requires
>knowing where the data is on disk, quickly, etc, etc. So I said to the
>Diligent rep I spoke with "Ok, so the de-duplication algorithm actually has
>to search the disk to find patterns?" to which I got the response
>(paraphrasing)"Oh no, of course not...all of the data on disk is mapped in
>RAM, we can map 1PB of disk in 4GB of RAM. The appliance doesn't need to
>read the disk to find hash matches, etc. All of that is done in RAM and only
>the unique data that needs to be written to disk is written to disk".
>So I asked why then would FC disk be necessary???
>After pushing it a bit, I got a response that Yes, it would technically
>"work" with SATA disk, however there would be a performance hit due to
>SATA's transfer speed, of approx 40%, so they don't support SATA.
>'s my confusion....since the de-duplication is being done "in
>stream" on the appliance before the data ever gets to the disk array, then
>with the advertised 25:1 ratio, only 4% of the data hitting the box is
>getting written to disk.
>Even if the SATA disk is 80% slower that FC (being fascetious here),
>shouldn't it still be like 5 times faster than another product that writes
>"everything" to SATA disk? Yes all the other VTL vendors are basing their
>products on SATA (as Diligent is with their VTF Open


Veritas-bu maillist  -

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