Title: Message
 - ----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Clooney, David
Sent: October 16, 2006 6:08 AM
To: Brenton Carbins
Cc: veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] 9940B

I have performed some tests after analysing bpbkar and bptm logs all all media servers and a number of their bptm logs indicate that they are not waiting for empty buffers, in turn telling me that an increase of the buffer size and number should have a positive impact . 
Assuming you were getting "waiting for empty buffer" previously, then you increased the number of buffers and you are no longer getting the messages, then yes, increasing the number of buffers DID have a positive impact.
If you are NOT currently getting "waiting for empty" messages, then increase the buffer count will do nothing but consume more shared memory.
If you are not getting any waiting for full, or waiting for empty buffer messages, then there is no reason to change anything, unless you would like to "decrease" the buffer numbers to gain more available memory outside of the buffers.
  After testing our throughput has jumped around from around 11mb/sec to 40+ mb/sec which is fantastic, my concern is for the latter part of your mail regarding tapes which have been written with a different  
 When testing I took backups before and after the SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS implementation. I then proceeded to test restores from both images written with different Buffer sizes. 
 All where successful however could you shed a little more light on this as we obviously have all our backed up data written in the current SIZE_DATA_BUFFER and it would be a shame not to achieve the throughput we saw when testing. 
What Brenton is referring to, isn't so much a performance issue as a function issue....if you change the values you're using for SIZE_DATA_BUFFER, you will want to thoroughly test restores from backups written at a different number to ensure functionality.

La version française suit le texte anglais.


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