Got a good one for the group...

We're trying to do some bottleneck testing and are running into a
problem with the FTP ports being closed down on our Windows systems,
thus we cannot really test the network between the clients and media
servers. We're trying to see if we can kick off bpbkar32 manually to
just move a single file to disk on the media server to test the network
like and FTP would.

I know we test the client side locally by running:

bpbkar32 -nocont [file_path_to_test] 1> nul 2> nul

I also know that bpbrm is the process responsible for starting bpbkar32
and passes all the information bpbkar32 needs to start the backup. One
thought is to enable the bpbrm log file and see what options are being
passed, however if anybody out there has already done this and can give
me a breakdown of running bpbkar32 manually that would be great!

Thanks in advanced!

Jason Ellis
Technical Consultant, Backup & Recovery
Corp-IT Operations, La Mirada Datacenter
IndyMac Bank
Phone: (714) 520-3414

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