Check the status of the NIC before just setting it to FULL.Maybe it was FULL to 
begin with and you're just looking at a RedHerring.
Check for CRC errors and link status on the client NIC, server NIC, andevery 
switch/router port in between.
If some device is misconfigured, start a BIG ftp, and watch it......thenfix the 
network config, and then monitor that to see if it flips back.
In most cases, a duplex problem will only show up if one of two ends 
ishard-coded.....hard coding NIC speed and duplex is old 
school...GetEVERYTHING....every single port in your environment set to 
auto-auto andyour problems will go away.We've slowly got everything here 
"fixed"...the only issue we have no isif someone ghosts a new system with an 
old image, or someone "fixes" alink on the fly, but there's an old rc script 
hanging around that hardcodes the connection again after a reboot.
GigE does not do proper flow control if you hard code...most switchesand NICs 
will not allow you to set a Gig connection to "auto-duplex",unless you exploit 
a bug, like some Cisco IOSs you can't set Gig-FULL,but if you set 100-FULL and 
then change speed to Gig, the "FULL" hangsaround...bug....our network guys were 
exploiting that on purpose foryears...
Sorry, that's my auto-neg rant for this month.

> -----Original Message-----> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED] On Behalf > Of Dave Markham> Sent: November 2, 2006 7:20 AM> To: 
>> Subject: [Veritas-bu] Strange speed 
> problem...not the norm> > > Has anyone seen this before?> > Netbackup 5.0 mp3 
> Solaris9 connected to L700 via fibre.> > I have a network client on a 100Mb 
> network which is beyond > slow backing> up. Looking at the gui ( i know not 
> accurate ) details for a job shows> like 127kb/s.> > Doing an scp of a 128mb 
> file from master server to the client > is quick <> 20 secs.> Doing an scp of 
> the same file from client to master it gives > ETA of over> an hour, which 
> comes down to like 20-30 minutes. Obviously wrong.> > So first thing on the 
> solaris client i did was force the nic > to 100 full> autoneg off. Then doing 
> an scp seems to be quick both ways. Great.> > Then launch a manual backup off 
> for the client only and the speed is> slow. 127kb/s again.> > going back and 
> trying the scp is now slow again from client to master> server.> > Whats 
> going 
> on?====================================================================================
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