Title: Duplications running very slow

Hi everyone,

I've got a problem with our dupe's running very slowly.

We have the following:
We are running 5.1 mp5 enterprise

Master = pc running windows 2000
Media server = SGI Origin 2000 running IRIX 6.5
Tape library = StorageTech L700 with 4 DLT7000 and 4 SuperDlt

I've also recently started to try vaulting images from the library.
So, I am trying to dupe from tape to tape. The dupes are taking days.
A 7 gigabit image took almost 48 hours to complete.

I've checked out all the settings I could think of. Our regular backups are running a little slow (but I know that is because of the way I am attaching to our Netapp box) but not this slow.

Any ideas on what to check? I've even monitored cpu usage on the SGI box using top. When the dupe's are running, cpu is 99% idle.

When backups are running, the cpu is 30-40% idle. So it looks like it's just sitting there doing nothing.

Any ideas?



Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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