I'm working on setting up our DSSUs for our new Netbackup system, and
I've got an idea I want to float here.  I've got 86% of our data on a
guaranteed gigabit backbone that can all push somewhere in the
neighborhood of 50MB/sec+ to media servers with trunked 4xGbit Ethernet.
I've also got a hundred or so, slower clients with 100F front ends that
push somewhere closer to 5-8MB/sec.  I'd like to segregate these backups
and where they write two and I've come up with the following ideas.
DSSU1 - Slow Front End DSSU on each media server that can accept 10
simultaneous streams from the slow 100-F front end clients to a 2xGbit
trunked media server front end port.
DSSU2 - High-Speed DSSU on each media server that accepts 8 simultaneous
streams from Gigbit clients to 4xGbit trunked media server front end
Make sure server's w/ 100-F Front ends use the DSSU1 Storage Group and
servers w/ Gigabit backend connections use the DSSU2 storage group.
I really can't think of any other way to have a high number of streams
for the slow servers but a low number for the faster servers.
Also - anyone using Windows for DSSU storage?  Any comments on NTFS
fragment size, compression, RAID5 vs. RAID6 also multiple drives (DSSU1
= F:, DSSU = G:) versus single drive letter (DSSU1 = F:\DSSU1, DSSU2 =
F:\DSSU2) ?!
I've got two weeks fo testing ahead of me, but I'd look forward to
hearing any "pointers"
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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