I think Paul's summary is right on the money.  I also am not a lawyer and never 
went to law school, but I read the modified rules at 

Civil Rule 16
Civil Rule 26
Civil Rule 33 
Civil Rule 34
Civil Rule 37  
Civil Rule 45

There's actually a safe harbor statement that says that if you have a policy of 
deleting data at a certain period of time, and you can't provide it to a 
court/plaintiff because of that policy, then they cannot assign any punitive 
charges for that.

HOWEVER, once sued, all expiration stops.  If you get an e-discovery request, 
and it's asking for tapes from a certain period, you'd better immediately set 
them to never expire and write protect (or at least segregate) those suckers.

This is really just a clarification of what's been going on in civil cases for 
years.  It doesn't change what anybody has to keep for how long, or anything 
like that.  All it does is tell you what to do when sued, and says that it's OK 
if you delete stuff BEFORE being sued.

W. Curtis Preston, Author of Backup & Recovery and Using SANs and NAS
VP Data Protection
GlassHouse Technologies

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Keating
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 9:06 AM
To: Bobby Williams; WEAVER, Simon; Bob Stump; Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] Infinity backup and level of infinity

The issue is not "arbitrary".
For instance.....if you have a policy that all "category X" data isdestroyed 
after 6 months, and you get sued and have to provide all dataof category X for 
the past year....you cannot say "Oh crap, I've got allthis data of category X 
that's older than 6 months, I'd better destroyit."
If you have it, you cannot destroy it, when you get sued.....you'dbetter be 
destroying it, as a matter of practice, as soon as the policystates it can be 
If you haven't got documented precidence of strictly adhering to yourpublished 
policy, then you can't use the policy as justification for thedata you just 


> -----Original Message-----> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED] On Behalf > Of Bobby Williams> Sent: December 6, 2006 10:09 AM> 
> To: Paul Keating; WEAVER, Simon; Bob Stump; > 
> Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu> Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] Infinity backup 
> and level of infinity> > > the rule that became law on 12/1/06 seems to make 
> it a crime > to arbitrarily start erasing tapes.> > Does anyone have a link 
> to the law that is causing all of the > "E-discovery" discussions?> > 
> Bobby====================================================================================
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