I'm finally getting around to performance tuning the new hardware and my
hair is now officially on fire.  To say the storage is slow, is like
saying the south pole is chilly.  Performance is TERRIBLE.  Not just in
Netbackup, but generally speaking I can't copy files to these volumes at
>30MB/sec.  So I've got some questions and I try and tweak better

NBU 6.0 MP4 on Windows 2003 MP1
Dell PowerEdge 2950s w/ Dual Core Xeon 3.2 Ghz Processors 4GB Ram
Storage - Dell MD1000 w/ 15 7,200RMD SATAII Drives

1 - Dell is floating the idea that because my memory runs at 667Mhz and
my FSB runs at 1066Mhz that it could be causing a traffic jam.  Anyone
put any stock in this idea?  They suggest 533Mhz RAM which fits much
more nicely with the 1066FSB.

2 - Anyone using NTFS compression on DSUs or DSSUs > 500GB?  I realise
you take the compression hit on 4KB NTFS Cluster sizes and compression
speeds, but I want to know if its possible to use NTFS on a volume and
gert descent read/write speeds from a DSU / DSSU.

3 - I'm assuming my best transfer speeds are going to be NBU with 64KB
SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS pumping 64KB NTFS Clusters on a 14 Disk Raid5 array w/
64KB Stripe.  I guess its possible multiples of 64KB would be ok as

4 - From some perspectives it looks just like the hardware isn't moving
data fast enough.  But I guess its also fair to say that NBU isn't
driving the hardware to move the data any faster.  With the exception of
Buffer settings is there anyway to shift the NBU I/O realted processes
into "high gear?" Increasing the buffer sizes and adding more buffers
only help until a certain point.

5 - Does anyone run NBU w/ the /PAE or /3GB switches in windows?  Any
improvement in performance.

Any input is appreciated.  I'm going home for some R&R before I come
back in next week to beat my head against the wall some more.


Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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