Hi all,


I would like to get in contact with people backing up large multimedia
systems, ie digital pictures, audio and video. I am also interested in
hearing about how you store these applications ie in a SAN on FC diskarrays,
SATA drives or some kind of HSM solution which includes tape.


Which way to go for ~100TB multimedia data (video): traditional backup or
HSM solution?

When will traditional backup not be an option any longer, when do we need to
apply a HSM solution?


Some of the multimedia systems do include billions of smaller files
(pictures and audio).

I would like to find a platform which I could apply to every digital system
no mater the size of the system. 


If anyone have experience with storing/backing up video-surveillance I love
to hear your success stories.. :-)


Thanks and regards,


Hampus Lind
National Police Board
Tel dir: +46 (0)8 - 401 99 43
Tel mob: +46 (0)70 - 217 92 66


Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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