> 1) is it possible within netbackup to backup volumes on one server but
> catalog them as belonging to another server entirely ? Example I have a
> server called server1 drives F;G;H and I. I install a netbackup windows
> client on this server and backup in the normal way. However I want
> netbackup to catalog it as belonging to server2. Should I ever wish to
> restore this data is will be show as originating from server2. 

The easiest thing to do would be to add a DNS entry or A record for 
server2 pointing to server1.  Then back up server2 and the right thing 
happens.  We do this all the time.

> 2) is it possible to backup data via RSH from a client with no netbackup
> client software installed ? So here's my theory. So on the media server
> i can run a 
> rsh <client> dump 0f - /mnt/volume_name > /tmp/test.dump 
> this gives me a unix dump file on the media server called test.dump. 
> What I want to do is something similar but get netbackup to write the
> data to tape ie not create a local file. My understanding would be that
> the remote dump process writes to the STDOUT then the netbackup job
> would us it's STDIN as the input ( datastream ) and write this data to
> tape. 

Not a chance.  What you can do though is an NFS mount from your media 
server.  Mount up the client volume that you don't want to license and 
back it up through the media server.  You will, however, have to 
remember that so you can do the restore sometime in the future - 
NetBackup won't have any knowledge of the real client.


Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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