When I came in this morning and looked at my backups, I initially noticed
that one client ran repeatedly.  I sorted the activity monitor by client
name, copied and pasted into Excel, yielding 792 rows.  Now, I've gone back
and am seeing that the other clients in this policy kicked off repeatedly.
And at least one other policy did the same.  The policy backs up the clients
each in a single stream with ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES.  Last night's job was a
Differential, so the backup times were small.  The first client I saw showed
re-running the job every minute or two.  For instance, it ran initially at
23:30 for 4:50 minutes.  It kicked off again at 23:35 (duration 1:46);

Policy information:
D:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpplinfo
Policy Type:            MS-Windows-NT (13)
Active:                 yes
Effective:              03/08/2006 13:47:15
Follow NFS Mounts:      no
Cross Mount Points:     no
Client Compress:        no
Collect TIR info:       no
Policy Priority:        500
Ext Security Info:      no
File Restore Raw:       no
Client Encrypt:         no
Max Jobs/Policy:        Unlimited
Mult. Data Stream:      yes
Block Level Incremental:        no
Perform Snapshot Backup:        no
Snapshot Method:                (none)
Snapshot Method Arguments:      (none)
Perform Offhost Backup:         no
Backup Copy:                    0
Use Data Mover:                 no
Data Mover Type:                0
Use Alternate Client:           no
Alternate Client Name:          (none)
Enable Instant Recovery:        no
Disaster Recovery:      0
Collect BMR Info:       no
Max Frag Size:          0 MB
Checkpoint Restart:     yes  Interval: 15 minutes
Residence:              Wormwood-Tape
Volume Pool:            Windows_Differential

D:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

We're running NBU 6.0MP4 master on Windows 2K3 SP2.  The media server that
handled this backup is a Linux RHEL3 running 6.0MP4.

The only thing I worked on yesterday that was system wide was implementing
VSP for another client.



Jason Brooks
Computer Systems Engineer
IITS - Longwood University
voice - (434) 395-2034
fax - (434) 395-2035

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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