On Fri, Sep 21, 2007 at 10:56:47AM -0700, d w wrote:
> You know - you should probably open a support case next time you
> encounter this issue.

Yes, but at some point I give up if it's not a serious issue.  I had a
case on one of these open for quite a while.  Either I found the tech
note or they pointed me at it and I've used it.  Most of my backups
have monthly fulls, so if anything they suggest makes it look better,
they want to close the ticket and I can't make it happen on demand to
suggest that it's not fixed yet.

I created some scripts that give me a fast heads-up if a schedule is
skipped, so I can either manually run them or kick the pempersist
file, so this hasn't been a big issue lately.  Honestly until your
message about it, I simply considered it "one of those things" with
6.0MP4 (and I don't know that I'm interested in going to MP5).

> If you could cron nbpemreq -tables screen to
> run once a day to an output file - that might be helpful to narrow
> down the time frame of the occurance too.

Good idea and .... done.  At least that'll give me a bit more than a
week's worth before the end of the month.

>   If you remove pempersist - just make sure that you don't suspend or
>cancel jobs and then attempt to restart them as that tends to be a sure
>fire way to break parent and child associations and my cause other
>missed/skipped backups.

Good to know.   Not common for me, but certainly not something I was
looking to specifically avoid.
Darren Dunham                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS            http://www.taos.com/
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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