On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, Dave Markham wrote:

> Guys i've just read this thread and can say im very interested in it.
> The first thing is i learned a new term called deduplication which i
> didn't know existed.
> Question : I gather Deduplication is using other software. DataDomain i
> think i saw mentioned. Where does this fit in with Netbackup and does
> the software reside on every client or just a server somewhere?
> Ok, so im trying to kit refresh a backup environment for a customer
> which has 2 sites. Production and DR about 200 miles apart. There is a
> link between the sites but the customer will probably frown on increased
> bandwidth charges to transfer backup data across for DisasterRecovery
> purposes.
> Data is probably only 1 TB for the site with perhaps 70% being required
> to be transfered daily to offsite media.
> Currently i use tape and i was just speccing a new tape system as i
> thought by using disk based backups, and retentions of weekly/monthly
> backups lasting say 6 weeks, im going to need a LOT of disk, plus the
> bandwidth transfer costs to DR site
> LTO3 tapes are storing 200gb a tape which is pretty good compared to
> disk i thought.
LTO-3 = 400GiB

> I guess in my set up its a trade off between :-
> Initial cost of disk array vs initial cost of tape library, drives and media
> Time take to backup ( network will be bottle neck here. Still on 100Meg
> lan with just 2 DB servers using GigaBit lan to backup server.
> Offsite transfer of tapes daily to offsite location vs Cost of increased
> bandwith between sites to transfer backup data.
> Im now confused what to propose :)
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