I need a sanity check, here.  

I've got this INCLUDE list on a policy for a series of NFS mounts:

INCLUDE /etc/passwd
INCLUDE /gollum/vol/[qr]*
INCLUDE /gollum/vol/[0-9]*
INCLUDE /gollum/vol/[A-Z]*

and the activity view shows the current path being backed up is


Last I checked, this pattern doesn't match this path being backed up.
Any reason that you folks see that I'm not?

Some explanation: I just reworked my filer backups (all done via NFS
mount right now) and use wildcards to match most of the volume names and
divide things into sets.  I'm using the wildcards so if some other admin
adds a new volume later, I pick up the new volume automatically and
perform backups on it.  That's what the [0-9] and [A-Z] entries are for,
they're my "just in case" lines.  The "/etc/passwd" thing at the
beginning is to make the stream "Status 71" resistant.  I somebody
renames a volume later and leaves me with nothing, I'll get a small but
still valid backup image.  "/etc/passwd" is always there.


Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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