> > Is anyone out there using Media Servers with multiple NICs on 
> > separate networks?  I am trying to understand how to force 
> > clients to use specific interfaces on the Media Server when 
> > sending backup data or receiving restore data.  Do I need to 
> > create multiple storage unit and Media Server entries to be 
> > able to target the clients through the policy?  Or am I on 
> > the wrong track altogether?

Wrong track, I believe.  It's more a network thing than a NetBackup
thing.  See below.  Everything I have to say here stems from one oddball
(to me, then) requirement where my master had to backup a distant
environment; said environment had an internal, non-routable backup
network for the clients and media server.  Master, remote media server
and remote clients are all on a public network.  Master has no access to
the backup network.  This isn't your setup, but the mechanisms should
all be applicable.

> [...]
> My clients won't have multiple NICS only the Media Server 
> because its receiving input from multiple subnets so the use 
> of REQUIRED_INTERFACE on the client won't help.  I basically 
> want to send certain clients to certain interfaces/addresses 
> on the Media Server.  Doesn't the Master tell the client 
> where to send it's backup data via the policy information 
> i.e. storage unit/device host?

Doesn't the media server "tell" the client?

R_I turned out not to be the magic bullet I expected.  As explained to
me, it's operation is "if hostA is initiating a conversation with hostB
and has multiple routes to hostB, use this one."  (Side conversation
was:  fix your routing; R_I is [only] there for when your routing is
broken.)  Part of that education was something I should have known in
the first place:  a conversation continues on the interface where it was
initiated.  Control that, and you're golden.

In my pathological case above, what worked for me was controlling
hostname resolution:  

- master resolves media and client by their public interface
- media resolves master by its public IF and client by the backup IF
- client resolves master by its public IF and media by the backup IF

That wasn't pretty ("client" resolving to from the master and from the media, for instance) but it worked.  IIRC, so did
client-initiated actions, auto-discovery streaming mode, agents and

> In a normal backup scenario nbjm starts the backup using bpcd 
> to start bpbrm on the Media Server.  The bpbrm process in 
> turn starts bptm which then uses bpcd to start bpbkar on the 
> client.  Its the interaction between bpbkar on the client and 
> bptm on the Media Server that I am trying to control but in 
> my case the Media Server is a different host from the Master.

What he said.

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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