Our environment is HP-UX 11.11, Netbackup 5.1 MP3 backing up mostly HP
unix with some Sun and Windows backups.  I have been using the bpflist
command in a script to parse out files that have been backed up.  We
moved the master server to a new host using the same hostname and ip
address (HP-UX 11.3). I just found that my script using bpflist is no
longer working, I can only get it to list off files backed up from one
policy.  The command that works is:

bpflist -option GET_ALL_FILES -class sfd-elmer2-unix -client elmer2 -d
12/09/01 00:00:00 -e 12/31/10 00:00:00

If I change the policy name after -class to another valid policy name, I
get the following:

no entity was found

There were good backups from the other policy name but the bpflist
command is not finding what files were backed up.

Anyone have any suggestions what is going on?  Again, this had been
working fine, the only change is that we changed servers.

Thanks in advance,.



Wayne BeDour

IT Unix System Administrator

PH: 313-593-9876  FAX: 313-593-9621




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