We just experienced a rash of these on MP5 -- basically, there were
some bugs in MP5 which caused intermittent image corruption.  bpdbm
will hang during cleanup or database backups, and database backups
failed with status 41.  Fun times, let me assure you!

We ran through about 5 corrupted images in a week (on images that were
expired), and then upgraded to MP6.

We we had to do was run an lsof, see exactly which files bpdbm is hung
up on, kill those bpdbm pids,  and delete the files in question.
Everything was clean after that.


>  Solaris 10, Netbackup 6.0 MP5 Master server.
>  My bpdbm process is acting wacky (I think...I've never noticed this
>  behavior before).  I've actually got 14 bpdbm processes running, but
>  also 38 active jobs currently.  The logs for my in netbackup/logs/bpdbm
>  are very large...around 2 gigs per day's log file.  I'm seeing such
>  inforation in there as:
>  image_by_file: processing file
>  /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/<hostname>/1157000000/<hostname>-Oracle-B
>  ackup_1157475027_UBAK
>  expdate: no match for
>  /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/<hostname>/12030000000/<hoststname>-Oracl
>  e-Backup_1203468053_INCR
>  by bp.conf file has:
>  VERBOSE = 1
>  But the thing is, I've noticed some information in my bpdbm logs talking
>  about Informix backups that we haven't done in almost 2 years since
>  we've moved to Oracle.  The backups are long since expired...so why is
>  Netbackup processing those files?
>  On my master server, I'm running Solaris 10 on a v440 w/ 16 gigs of RAM,
>  4 CPU's running @ 1593 Mhz.  I do have a large netbackup domain...60
>  Media & SAN Media servers, ~30 clients...but my Master server sees
>  constant 100% cpu utilization.  The Server slows down, and locks up.
>  Could this be related to bpdbm checking all the files in the catalog,
>  and spawning so many bpdbm processes?
>  --
>  Mike Sponsler
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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