
The "unable to lock media" message has to do with bptm selecting media.
Without the log, my guess is that you'll see bptm is attempting to obtain a
piece of media for a backup.  One part of that process is going through it's
local mediaDB to see if it fan find a match for what it needs (correct
volume pool, retention, etc).  If a particular tape is in use, then you'll
see the "unable to lock media" message.

I don't think this is related to the problem you originally posted.  BTW,
what patch level?


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 8:47 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Folks,
> Not sure whether anyone can help or give a workaround solution?
> We're having issues in NBU 5.1 environment with HP-UX media servers and
> jobs
> not going to end writing. This is a fairly irregular occurrence but always
> tends to occur with logical logs in the middle of the night (oh joy!).
> This
> isn't a scheduler issue as everything else chugs along nicely. We're using
> ACSLS 7.1.0.
> >From bptm logs I can see lots of occurences of "12:08:30.310 [27067] <2>
> db_lock_media: unable to lock media at offset 14' . Which could mean the
> media is in use by another host, but I know it isn't. My guess is theres a
> communication error between Media server and ACSLS.
> So my question is, what can I do to kickstart this? Sometimes I can go
> into
> the Activity Monitor and end job, and it miraculously finishes. Other
> times
> when on-bar processes go, then it's a Master server restart.
> Regards
> Mike K
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