All, Here is my script along with the readme. It's a long one....


NetBackup File Exclude Script, for Windows
Created by: Kevin Miele

The NetBackup_UpdateExcludeList.vbs file provides a way for Windows
system administrators to quickly and easily update the NetBackup file
exclusion list on one or more servers. The script uses WMI to connect
to the registry of the specified machines and modifies the following
registry value:
Key Name:     
Value Name:    Exclude

•    Note: You must have administrative rights on the server to update
the registry.

The script updates the Exclude value with the files specified in the
file exclude list input file. The script does not overwrite the
registry, it appends to the existing list. If the file already exists
in the registry then it will not write that file to it again.

Input Files:
The script requires 2 input files, a Server list and a File Exclude list
The Server list can contain a list of servers or if you want to run
this on the local machine, you can simply place a period, ".", in the

Example: The Standard file exclusion list is as follows:

Create a text file with entries such as these: <excludelist.txt>

C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris
C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Software Delivery\pkgdlvlk.tmp

Example: The SQL Standard file exclusion list contains these
additional exclusions:

SERVER LIST: <serverlist.txt>
create a text file with list of servers you want to perform the change on.


Output Files:
The script also creates two output files, an output log and an error log.

Script Usage:
c:\temp\Netbackup_UpdateExcludeList.vbs /readonly:<Yes or No>
/slist:<Server list File> /xlist:<Exclude list File> /outlog:<Output
Logfile> /errlog:<Error Logfile>"

Example: c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe
c:\temp\Netbackup_UpdateExcludeList.vbs /readonly:Yes
/slist:c:\temp\serverlist.txt /xlist:c:\temp\FileExcludeList.txt
/outlog:c:\temp\Output.log /errlog:c:\temp\Error.Log

Arguments: All arguments, except for /?, are required.

/?    Shows the usage screen

/readonly:    Sets the script to perform processes in readonly mode
                Yes – Write changes to registry
                No – Only read the registry

/slist:    Server List file
    - Can contain a list of servers or a period, "." for the local server
    - Define both path and file name

/xlist:    File Exclude List file
    - Contains a list of files or paths to exclude in Netbackup for
the clients listed in the server list file.
    - Define both path and file name

/outlog:    Output Log file
    - Contains all output of the script.
    - Define both path and file name

/errlog:    Error Log file
    - Contains only errors produced by the script
    - Define both path and file name

NOTE: A .cmd file can be created to alleviate the need for typing the
arguments repeatedly.

Script Standard and Log Output:

•    Note: In this example Readonly is set to 'Yes'. This simply reads
the registry and nothing more.
        In order to actually make changes to the registry the Readonly
argument must be set to 'No'.
•    The log file is comma delimited so that you can import it into
Excel easily.

*     Name:                            NetBackup Client File Exclude
List Updater, for Windows
*     Date:                              4/13/2006
*     Time:                             2:00:20 PM
*     Server List:                    c:\temp\SQL_serverlist.txt
*     Exclude List:                 c:\temp\FileExcludeList_SQLServers.txt
*     Readonly (Yes/No):      Yes
*     Created By:                    Kevin Miele, Enterprise Backup

4/13/2006 2:00:20 PM,NoComputerName,Function: START
4/13/2006 2:00:20 PM,ad2hfdsqln02,Function: ReadExcludeFileList,File
to Exclude: Perflib_Perfdata_*.dat
4/13/2006 2:00:25 PM,ad2hfdsqln02,Function:
ReadMultiStringRegistry,Error: -2147217405,Unknown Error
encountered,Line: Set oRegistry = GetObject
4/13/2006 2:00:26 PM,ad2hfdsqltn1,Function: ReadExcludeFileList,File
to Exclude: Perflib_Perfdata_*.dat
4/13/2006 2:00:31 PM,ad2hfdsqltn1,Function:
ReadMultiStringRegistry,Error: -2147217405,Unknown Error
encountered,Line: Set oRegistry = GetObject
4/13/2006 2:00:31 PM,ad2mtlsql001,Function: ReadExcludeFileList,File
to Exclude: Perflib_Perfdata_*.dat
4/13/2006 2:00:37 PM,ad2mtlsql001,Function:
ReadMultiStringRegistry,Error: -2147217405,Unknown Error
encountered,Line: Set oRegistry = GetObject

END README........

Make it a .vbs file
I suggest creating a cmd file to run it as stated in the read me above.

' Filename:     Netbackup_UpdateExcludeList.vbs
' Author:    Kevin Miele
' Date:        5/15/2008
' Purpose:    To append to the current File Exclude list on a Windows
Netbackup Client.
'            This script modifies the registry under:
'            KeyName:
'            ValueName:    Exclude  (Multistring)
' Output:    This script outputs the ComputerName, the value of the
registry before it is changed
'            and the value of the registry after it is changed, as
well as, some other information.
' Modify ONLY: The two global path variables
' Notes:    This script uses the Registry object 'StdRegProv' through WMI.
SCRIPT, it modifies the registry.
' Updated:    3/2/2006, Kevin Miele, Added Error Handling, Logging,
EchoMessage Routine.

Option Explicit
'Global Variables
Dim index
Dim g_strFilename
DIM g_strExcludeFilename
Dim g_arrFileListAppended()
Dim g_intNewIndexNumber
Dim g_intOriginalArraySize    ' Contains the array size of the registry value
Dim g_strNewFileToexclude
Dim g_blnExcludeExists
Dim g_blnErrorsOccurred       ' Were there any errors in the script?
Dim g_blnReadOnly              ' This is a variable that will be used
to turn the
'                               read only feature on and off.
                              'Yes = READONLY
                              'No = Write/Change
Dim g_OutPutLogFile
Dim g_ErrorLog

'Variable to tell if there were errors for the exit message.
g_blnErrorsOccurred = False

'Start the Script.
Call ProcessWork()

Sub ProcessWork()
    ' Author:    Kevin Miele
    ' Date:     1/17/2006
    ' Purpose:    Process all the major routines
    Const strFunctionName = "ProcessWork"
    Dim strComputerName
    Dim objfso
    Dim objOpenTextFile
    Dim strMsg

    'Check the arguments
    IF Arguments = True Then
        'run the script
        Call Usage()
    End If

    strMsg = "Set objFSO = CreateObject"
    Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")

    strMsg = "Set objOpenTextFile"
    'open the Server list text file to read
    Set objOpenTextFile = objfso.OpenTextFile(g_strFilename)

    'Display Header
    WScript.Echo "*     Name:                   " & "NetBackup Client
File Exclude List Updater, for Windows"
    WScript.Echo "*     Date:                   " & Date
    WScript.Echo "*     Time:                   " & Time
    WScript.Echo "*     Server List:            " & g_strFilename
    WScript.Echo "*     Exclude List:           " & g_strExcludeFilename
    WScript.Echo "*     Readonly (Yes/No):      " & g_blnReadOnly
    WScript.Echo "*     Created By:             " & "Kevin Miele,
Enterprise Backup"
    WScript.Echo ""

    strMsg = 
    Call EchoMessage(strMsg,"START SCRIPT","NoComputerName",True)

        'Loop through the text file and read each line
        Do Until objOpenTextFile.AtEndOfStream
            'Read each line of the Text File
            'WScript.Echo objOpenTextFile.ReadLine

            'Set file existence to false initially for each computer
            g_blnExcludeExists = False

            'Set the computername
            strComputerName = objOpenTextFile.ReadLine

            'Tell the User the computer name that is being Read
            'WScript.Echo "ComputerName: " & strComputerName

            'Read the file exclude list and append it to the exclude
list in the registry
            Call ReadExcludeFileList(strComputerName, g_strExcludeFilename)


        strMsg = "objOpenTextFile.Close"
        'Close the file when done.
        'Clean up objects

        Set objfso = Nothing
        Set objOpenTextFile = Nothing

        Call ExitScript(0,strComputerName)

End Sub

Function ReadExcludeFileList(strComputerName, g_strExcludeFilename)
    'Author:    Kevin Miele
    'Date:        02/16/2006
    'Purpose:    To read the file exclusion list and append to the
current exclusion list.
    On Error Resume Next
    Const strFunctionName = "ReadExcludeFileList"
    Dim objfso
    Dim objOpenTextFile
    Dim strFileToExclude
    Dim strMsg

    strMsg = "Set objfso = CreateObject"
    Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")

    strMsg = "Set objOpenTextFile"
    Set objOpenTextFile = objfso.OpenTextFile(g_strExcludeFilename)

    strMsg = "Do Until"
    Do Until objOpenTextFile.AtEndOfStream

        strMsg = "strFileToExclude = ObjOpenTextFile.ReadLine"
        'Read each line of the Text File
        strFileToExclude = objOpenTextFile.ReadLine

        strMsg = "File to Exclude: " & strFileToExclude
        Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,strComputerName,False)

        'WScript.Echo "Before..."
            If ReadMultiStringRegistry(strComputerName,strFileToExclude)
= True Then
                'Write the File only if it doesn't exist.
                If g_blnExcludeExists = False Then

                    'Decide if Script will only read the registry or
read and write to the registry.
                    Select Case g_blnReadOnly
                        Case "Yes"
                            strMsg = "Exclude file doesn't exist ...
would have made registry change."

                        'Write is enabled
                        Case "No"
SetMultiStringRegistry(strComputerName,strFileToExclude)= True Then
                                strMsg = "Verifying Exclusion List:"
                                'Read the registry value List
                            End If

                        Case Else
                            strMsg = "g_blnReadonly not set to Yes or No"
                            'Cause a critical error

                    End Select

                    strMsg = "File Exists, no need to append."
                End If

                'exit function because we cannot contact the client
                Exit Function
            End If

            'Display a blank line.
            'strMsg = ""
            'Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,strComputerName,False)

            'reset back to false to put variable in its beginning state.
            g_blnExcludeExists = False

    strMsg = "objOpenTextFile.close"
    'Close the file when done.

    Set objfso = Nothing

End Function

Function ReadMultiStringRegistry(sComputer,strFileToExclude)
    ' Author:    Kevin Miele (Along with some internet resources)
    ' Date:        1/17/2006
    ' Purpose:    To Read a multi-string registry value on local and
remote computers
    ' Parameters:    sComputer - this is a string of the computername

    On Error Resume Next
    Const strFunctionName = "ReadMultiStringRegistry"
    'Setup Constants needed by the routine to access the registry in Hex
    Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT     = &H80000000
    Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER     = &H80000001
    Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE     = &H80000002
    Const HKEY_USERS         = &H80000003
    Const HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG     = &H80000005

    'Setup Variables to be used throughout the routine.
    Dim strMultiStringValue        'Holds the appended version of all
values in the array
    Dim strQuote                ' A quote "
    Dim sMethod                    ' The method being performed in the registry
    Dim hTree                    ' Hive Tree (example HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
    Dim sKey                    ' The actual key within the tree:
(example SOFTWARE\VERITAS\Netbackup\CurrentVersion\Config)
    Dim sValue                    ' string value of the value
    Dim oMethod                    ' object method
    Dim oInparam                ' object input parameter
    Dim oOutParam                ' object output parameter
    Dim i                        ' Array counter
    Dim c                        ' Another array Counter
    Dim oRegistry                ' Registry object

    Dim strArrayValue
    Dim strMsg
    strQuote = """"
    'Dim g_arrFileListAppended()

    'sComputer    = g_ComputerName
    sMethod        = "GetMultiStringValue"
    hTree        = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    sKey        = "SOFTWARE\VERITAS\Netbackup\CurrentVersion\Config"
    sValue        = "Exclude"

    strMsg = "Set oRegistry = GetObject"
    'Connect to the registry of the given computername
    Set oRegistry    =
GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//" & _
            sComputer & "/root/default:StdRegProv")

    'Check for errors in connecting to the registry
= True Then
        ReadMultiStringRegistry = False
        g_blnErrorsOccurred = True
        Exit Function
    End If

    strMsg = "Set oMethod = oRegistry"
    'Setup registry objects
    Set oMethod    = oRegistry.Methods_(sMethod)
= True Then
        ReadMultiStringRegistry = False
        Exit Function
    End If

    strMsg = "Set oInparam = oMethod.inParameters"
    Set oInparam = oMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
= True Then
        ReadMultiStringRegistry = False
        Exit Function
    End If

    oInParam.hDefKey = hTree
    oInParam.sSubKeyName = sKey
    oInParam.sValueName = sValue

    strMsg = "Set oOutParam"
    Set oOutParam = oRegistry.ExecMethod_(sMethod, oInParam)
= True Then
        ReadMultiStringRegistry = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    'WScript.Echo oOutParam.Properties_("sValue")

    strMsg = "ArrayEmpty"
    g_intOriginalArraySize = UBound(oOutParam.Properties_("sValue"))
= True Then
        'wscript.echo "Err Number: " & err.number & ", " &
"Description: " & err.description
        strMsg = "Current Number of File Exclusions: 0"
        Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,sComputer,False)
        g_intOriginalArraySize = 0


        If UBound(oOutParam.Properties_("sValue")) = -1 Then
            strMsg = "Array Size is -1, it contains no entries."
            Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,sComputer,False)
            strMsg = "Current Number of File Exclusions: 0"
            Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,sComputer,False)
            g_intOriginalArraySize = -1

            strMsg = "No Error"
            Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,sComputer,False)
            strMsg = "Current Number of File Exclusions: " &
g_intOriginalArraySize    + 1
            Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,sComputer,False)
        End If

    End If

    strMsg = "Current Array Size: " & g_intOriginalArraySize
    Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,sComputer,False)

    strMsg = "ReDIM g_arrFileListAppended"
    'Resize the new array to the same size as the array we are reading.
    'Resizing the array allows us to populate the array appropriately.
    ReDim g_arrFileListAppended(g_intOriginalArraySize)
= True Then
        ReadMultiStringRegistry = False
        Exit Function
    End If

    For i=0 To UBound(oOutParam.Properties_("sValue"))
        'WScript.Echo oOutParam.Properties_("sValue")(i)

        'This is an IF statement because if the array has only 1 item
we don't want to add multiple items of the same
        'thing to the new array. Notice the 'strMultiStringValue = ' lines.
        If I = 0 Then
            strMultiStringValue = strQuote &
oOutParam.Properties_("sValue")(i) & strQuote
            'populate the new array with the original file list info.
            strArrayValue = oOutParam.Properties_("sValue")(i)

            'Check if the file to exclude already exists, if so, then
stop reading the array and go to the next computer.
            If CheckIfFileExcludeExists(strArrayValue,strFileToExclude)
= True Then
                strMsg = "File to Exclude exists in the list." & "
File to exclude: " & strArrayValue
                Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName, sComputer,False)

            End If

            'Add to new array.
            g_arrFileListAppended(i) = strArrayValue

            strMultiStringValue = strMultiStringValue & "," & strQuote
& oOutParam.Properties_("sValue")(i) & strQuote
            strArrayValue = oOutParam.Properties_("sValue")(i)

            'Check if the file to exclude already exists, if so, then
stop reading the array and go to the next computer.
            If CheckIfFileExcludeExists(strArrayValue,strFileToExclude)
= True Then
                strMsg = "File to Exclude exists in the list." & "
File to exclude: " & strArrayValue
                Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName, sComputer,False)

            End If

            strMsg = "g_arrFileListAppended(i) ="
            'Add to the new array
            g_arrFileListAppended(i) = strArrayValue
= True Then
                ReadMultiStringRegistry = False
                Exit Function
            End If

        End If

    'Display the new string that will be written
    strMsg = "Netbackup File Exclude List: " & strMultiStringValue
    Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,sComputer,False)

    'Clean Up Objects
    Set oRegistry = Nothing
    Set oMethod = Nothing
    Set oInParam = Nothing
    Set oOutParam = Nothing

    ReadMultiStringRegistry = True

End Function

Function CheckIfFileExcludeExists(strFileToCheck,strFileToExclude)
    'Author:    Kevin Miele
    'Date:        2/14/2005
    'Purpose:    To check if the excluded file exists
    'Returns:    True or False
    Const strFunctionName = "CheckIfFileExcludeExists"

    If strFileToCheck = strFileToExclude Then
        CheckIfFileExcludeExists = True
        g_blnExcludeExists = True
        CheckIfFileExcludeExists = False
    End If
End Function

Function SetMultiStringRegistry(sComputer, strFileToExclude)
    ' Author:    Kevin Miele and internet resources
    ' Date:        1/17/2006
    ' Purpose:    To append to an existing registry value, this
appends 1 item at a time
    '            to the specified multistring registry key.
    ' Parameters:    sComputer - is the computername string.

    On Error Resume Next

    Const strFunctionName = "SetMultiStringRegistry"
    Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT     = &H80000000
    Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER     = &H80000001
    Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE     = &H80000002
    Const HKEY_USERS         = &H80000003
    Const HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG     = &H80000005

    Dim sMethod
    Dim hTree
    Dim sKey
    Dim aValue
    Dim sValueName
    Dim oMethod
    Dim oInparam
    Dim oOutParam
    Dim i
    Dim oRegistry
    Dim strNewFileToexclude
    Dim intArrayUboundValue
    Dim intNumberOfElementsToAdd
    Dim strMsg

    'How many items to add to the registry list
    intNumberOfElementsToAdd = 1

    'Resize and preserve what was written to the array
    strMsg = "ReDIM Preserve"
    ReDim Preserve g_arrFileListAppended(g_intOriginalArraySize +
= True Then
        Exit Function
        strMsg =  "New Number of File Exclusions: " &
UBound(g_arrFileListAppended) + 1
        Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,sComputer,False)
    End If

    strMsg = "intArrayUboundValue"
    'Get the size of the array
    intArrayUboundValue = Ubound(g_arrFileListAppended)
= True Then
        Exit Function
    End If

    'Append the 1 extra item to the array list
    g_arrFileListAppended(intArrayUboundValue) = strFileToExclude

    'Debugging code commented out.

    ' 'What's in the new array?
'     WScript.Echo "Show me what's in the new array."
'     For i = 0 To UBound(g_arrFileListAppended)
'         WScript.Echo g_arrFileListAppended(i)
'     Next

    'sComputer    = "MyComputer"
    sMethod        = "SetMultiStringValue"
    hTree        = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    sKey        = "SOFTWARE\VERITAS\Netbackup\CurrentVersion\Config"
    sValueName    = "Exclude"
    'aValue = g_arrFileListAppended()

    strMsg = "Set oRegistry = Getobject"
    'Connect to the registry
    Set oRegistry    =
GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//" & _
            sComputer & "/root/default:StdRegProv")

    'check for errors connecting to the registry
= True Then
        Exit Function
        'keep going in the script.
        strMsg = "Appending New File to exclusion list."
        Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,sComputer,False)
    End If

    'Setup registry objects
    strMsg = "Set oMethod = oRegistry"
    Set oMethod    = oRegistry.Methods_(sMethod)

= True Then
        Exit Function
    End If

    strMsg = "Set oInParam = oMethod"
    Set oInParam    = oMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
= True Then
        Exit Function
    End If

    oInParam.hDefKey = hTree
    oInParam.sSubKeyName = sKey
    oInParam.sValueName = sValueName
    oInParam.sValue = g_arrFileListAppended 'aValue

    strMsg = "Set oOutParam = oRegistry"
    Set oOutParam = oRegistry.ExecMethod_(sMethod, oInParam)
    'Check for errors in writing to the registry.
= True Then
        'The function was not successful
        SetMultiStringRegistry = False
        Exit Function
        'The function was successful
        SetMultiStringRegistry = True
    End If

    'Clean Up Objects.
    Set oRegistry = Nothing
    Set oMethod = Nothing
    Set oInParam = Nothing
    Set oOutParam = Nothing

End Function

    ' Author:    Kevin Miele
    ' Date:        03/2/2006
    'Purpose:    To handle All errors that occur.
    Const sFunctionName = "ErrorCheck"
    Const NoError = 0
    Const TypeMisMatchErr = 13
    Const strComma = ","
    Const strQuote = """"
    Dim strErrDesc
    Dim intErrNum
    Dim strMsg

    'Populate the variables with the information from the arguments
    strErrDesc = strDescription
    intErrNum = intErrNumber

    'Clear the error

    Select Case intErrNum
        Case NoError
            'No Error exit the function
            ErrorCheck = False
            Exit Function

        Case TypeMisMatchErr
            If strLine = "ArrayEmpty" Then
                    'Not an Error
                ErrorCheck = False
                Exit Function
            End If

        Case Else
            If strErrDesc = "" Then
                strErrDesc = "Unknown Error encountered"
            End If
    End Select

    'Decide what to do
    ' Is it a Critical Error, True/Yes, False/No
    Select Case blnCritical
        Case True
            strMsg = "Error: " & intErrNum & strComma & strErrDesc &
strComma & "Line: " & strLine
            Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,strComputerName,True)
            Call ExitScript(1,strComputerName)
        Case False
            strMsg = "Error: " & intErrNum & strComma & strErrDesc &
strComma & "Line: " & strLine
            Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,strComputerName,True)
            'There was an error
            g_blnErrorsOccurred = True
            ErrorCheck = True

        Case Else
            strMsg = "Critical or Not Critical Unknown, exiting"
            Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,True)
            Call ExitScript(1,strComputerName)
    End Select
    strErrDesc = ""
    intErrNum = ""
    strLine = ""
End Function

Function EchoMessage(strMessage,strFunctName,strComputerName,blnError)
    ' Author:    Kevin Miele
    ' Date:        03/2/2006
    ' Purpose:    To echo messages in a specific format every time,
handles both normal and error messages
    Const sFunctionName = "EchoMessage"
    Const strComma = ","
    Dim strDateTime
    Dim strMsg

    strDateTime = Date & " " & Time
    strMsg = strDateTime & strComma & strComputerName & strComma &
"Function: " & strFunctName & strComma & strMessage

    WScript.Echo strMsg

    'If the message is not an error message then only write to the output log
    'If the message is an error message then write to both logs.
    If blnError = False then
        Call WriteLog(g_OutPutLogFile,strMsg,strComputerName)
        Call WriteLog(g_OutPutLogFile,strMsg,strComputerName)
        Call WriteLog(g_ErrorLog,strMsg,strComputerName)
    End If
    EchoMessage = strMsg

End Function

Sub WriteLog(strLogFileName,strData,strComputerName)
    'Author        :    Kevin Miele
    'Date        :    7/13/2004, updated 03/2/2005
    'Purpose    :    Write The log file
    On Error Resume Next
    Const strFunctionName = "WriteLog"
    Const ForAppending = 8
    Const ForWriting = 2
    Dim objFSO
    Dim objWriteFile
    Dim objCreateFile
    Dim strMsg

    strMsg = "Set objFSO"
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    strMsg = "objFSO.FileExists"
    If objFSO.FileExists(strLogFileName) Then
        strMsg = "Set objCreateFile"
        Set objCreateFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strLogFileName)

        strMsg = "objCreateFile.Close"

    End If

    strMsg = "Set objWriteFile ="
    Set objWriteFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strLogFileName,ForAppending)

    strMsg = "ObjWriteFile.WriteLine"
    objWriteFile.WriteLine strData

    strMsg = "objWriteFile.Close"

    'Clear Objects
    set objFSO = Nothing
    Set objWriteFile = Nothing
    set objCreateFile = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ExitScript(intExitCode,strComputerName)
    ' Author:    Kevin Miele
    ' Date:        3/2/2006
    ' Purpose:    To exit the script in one location
    Const strFunctionName = "ExitScript"
    Dim strMsg
    Dim strExitMsg

        If intExitCode = 1 or g_blnErrorsOccurred = True Then
            strExitMsg = "Script Completed with Errors"
            'Message to output at the end of the script
            strMsg = strExitMsg

            Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,strComputerName,False)
            strExitMsg = "Script Completed Successfully"
            'Message to output at the end of the script
            strMsg = strExitMsg

            Call EchoMessage(strMsg,strFunctionName,strComputerName,False)
        End If

End Sub

Function Arguments()
    ' Author:    Kevin Miele
    ' Date:        4/15/03
    ' Purpose:    Allows the Script to accept Argument

    Dim objArgsNamed ' Named Arguments Variable

    Set objArgsNamed = WScript.Arguments.Named ' Set Named Arguments Object

    g_strFilename = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("slist") ' SourcePath argument
    g_strExcludeFilename = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("xlist")' Log
File Path argument
    g_OutPutLogFile = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("outlog")' Log File
Name argument
    g_ErrorLog = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("errlog")' Errlog File
Name argument
    g_blnReadOnly = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("readonly")

    'Check Usage - If anyone of the arguments is missing show usage.
    If objArgsNamed.Exists("slist")= False Or
objArgsNamed.Exists("xlist")= False or objArgsNamed.Exists("outlog")=
False _
                             or objArgsNamed.Exists("errlog")= False
or objArgsNamed.Exists("?")= True Then

           ' Show the user how to use the script
           Call Usage


        Arguments = True

    End If

End Function

Sub Usage()
    ' Author:    Kevin Miele
    ' Date:     4/15/03
    ' Purpose:    Show the user how to use the script

    On Error Resume Next

    WScript.Echo "Usage:"
    WScript.Echo "cscript.exe Netbackup_UpdateExcludeList.vbs /?  -
shows this screen"
    WScript.Echo "cscript.exe Netbackup_UpdateExcludeList.vbs
/readonly:<Yes or No> /slist:<Server list File> /xlist:<Exclude list
File> /outlog:<Output Logfile> /errlog:<Error Logfile>"
    WScript.Echo "Example: cscript.exe
c:\temp\Netbackup_UpdateExcludeList.vbs /readonly:Yes
/slist:c:\temp\serverlist.txt /xlist:c:\temp\FileExcludeList.txt
/outlog:c:\temp\Output.log /errlog:c:\temp\Error.Log"


End Sub

End Script

NOTE: The last 2 Wscript.echo lines are word wrapped in the email, you
will have to make sure each Wscript.echo command are one line each
Let me know if you need assistance.
Kevin Miele

Veritas-bu maillist  -

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