
Since I upgraded this Master to NBU 6.5.1 last week, I've been getting the 
following errors on tapes.  I has happened to about 20 tapes over the weekend.
I am re-using media.

incorrect media found in drive index 1, expected SAC009, found PD0283, FREEZING

I am re-using media that had the old PD#### labels on them.   The old media 
with the new label has worked fine for the last 4 months.  The error just 
started to happen after the NBU upgrade.

Media is LTO2,  Master is a Solaris 9.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ken Frinzl
Work: 919-531-1905  Cell:919-368-7072
Strategic Recovery

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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