Up to and including NBU 5.1, we backed up clustered applications on HP
Serviceguard clusters, Sun clusters and even MS clusters using the
same method. Each of the physical cluster nodes was an NBU SAN Media
Server, with it's own storage unit(s), but we would also define a
storage unit for each clustered application. These storage units would
have the applications "virtual hostname" defined as their media
server. The clustered application's backups would be use the virtual
hostname as their client name, and would be directed to their "virtual
storage unit", which would utilise the Media Manager configuration of
the underlying real Media Server.

This meant if the application failed over to another node, the storage
unit effectively failed over with it, meaning backups always ran
locally on the media server, no matter which node the application was
running on.

Does anyone know if similiar functionality can be achieved with NBU 6.5?

This cluster is actually Oracle 10 RAC running on unclustered Redhat
5, but the concept is similar to the other clusters in that the
database I am backing up (using RMAN) uses a virtual hostname and
could be active on any of the phyiscal nodes. Each of the physical
nodes is a SAN Media Server.

Simply adding a SERVER= entry for the virtual hostname does not work.

I've tried using nbemmcmd -addhost to add the virtual hostname as a
media server, which seems to work, however it appears as a "disk only"
media server.

The nbemmcmd -addalias looks interesting, but the alias name still
needs to be tied to a physical server name.

I need some way of defining a "floating" alias for a media server.

I've also tried MUST_USE_LOCAL_DRIVE, and creating a storage unit with
"Any available" as the media server. This works perfectly if I am
backing up the physical server hostname, but if I am backing up the
virtual hostname, it is not recognised as a media server with local
tape and the backup is sent to some other storage unit.

There must be some way to do this. I wonder if I am over thinking
things and not seeing something incredibly obvious.

Any ideas appreciated.

- Dean
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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