1) Will each week of writes have a separate 5 week retention?


2) Can the tape be written to again (over week 1 space on tape) by week 6 or
will something else happen?

If the tape is not full, yes, it can still be appended to by backups that
have the same retention. But it won't write over week 1, if week 2 data is
after that on the tape. Remember, tapes are serial by their nature. You
can't insert data on a tape, generally.

3) When the time is unassigned I am assuming that is all backup images
expiring. Will the tape be written to as long as it is in a Library or drive
and not write protected ..  every time a segment of images expire on the

Hmm, not sure what you mean here. Once the tape is full, every image on the
tape needs to have expired before the tape will be used for writing again.
If an earlier image on the tape has expired, there is no way for NBU to
insert a new backup image over the expired image, Tapes are "append only".

 4) When that happens how does the time assigned change? Will it keep the
initial time assigned or change to the Latest time assigned image?

I'm not really sure, but I think the "time assigned" value stays the same.
It always indicates the time the first image was written to that tape,
regardless of whether that image has since expired or not.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:03 AM, <judy_hinchcli...@administaff.com> wrote:

>  I should clairfi this part
> now you have   blankspace, week2image, week3i mage, week4image
> it is not really a blankspace – it is an expired image. (the info on the
> tape does not get erased).
> You could still import the tape and get back week1image if needed.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Jackson, Todd [mailto:c-todd.jack...@invitrogen.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 18, 2009 10:59 AM
> *To:* Judy Hinchcliffe; veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
> *Subject:* RE: [Veritas-bu] Media Tape Writes and Retentions
> HI Judy
> Thank you for your reply
> Yes I was referring to IMAGES and not actual TAPE but was careless in my
> general terminology.
> I have no plans on mixing retentions or leaving a media tape in the Library
> after it has been assigned.
> We have some new policies for offsite retentions and I just wanted to throw
> out a spare of the moment scenario to gather some information.
> Everything you sent was Extremely helpful and very informative and I thank
> you for taking to time to
> explain. There were some things that I did not know that you have cleared
> up.
> Thanks
> -T
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* judy_hinchcli...@administaff.com [mailto:
> judy_hinchcli...@administaff.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:43 AM
> *To:* Jackson, Todd; veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
> *Subject:* RE: [Veritas-bu] Media Tape Writes and Retentions
> 1)      The IMAGE has the 5 week retention not the tape.
> a.       Is if you write to the same tape 3 weeks in a row the tape will
> not become scratch until the oldest images on the tape expires (week 3's
> image date + 5 weeks)
> 2)      no
> a.       when writing to a tape it will only append to the end of the
> tape, past the last written image to the tape
> b.      so if you have week1image, week2image,week3image, week4image
> c.       and                 ^^^^^ week1 expires
> d.      now you have   blankspace, week2image, week3i mage, week4image
> e.       and you write to the same tape again you get
> f.                                blankspace, week2image, week3image,
> week4image, week5image (tape is now full) (will not become scratch until
> week5's image expires)
> 3)      if the tape has no assigned time then it is a scratch, no valid
> images on it
> a.       if the tape is in the library and in a pool that your policy can
> use or the scratch pool it can be written to.
> b.      If you leave the tape in the library your backups will continue to
> write to the tape until it is FULL
> c.       If the tape becomes FULL meaning that it has written all the way
> to the EOT it will NOT write to again until all images on the tape have
> expired (see #2)
> d.      If you do not allow different retention levels on the same tape –
> say mixing of 5 week retention and 6 month retention, then it will choose a
> different tape for the 6 month retention.
> 4)      As the first image is written to the tape it gets an assigned
> date.  On the second day when it writes to the tape it will not change the
> assigned date, but it will change the expiration date (as the expiration
> date is based on when the last image on the tape will expire and the tape
> becomes scratch.)
> In my production environment we remove the tapes from the library every
> morning and send them off site.  So my assigned time on my tape represents
> when my backups were done, because I do NOT put more then one days backup on
> a tape ( what if the tape went bad and I could not read it, I could loose
> days of data.
> I do not mix retention periods on my tape because I could have just 1 gig
> of data on a tape with a 6 month retention and 400 gig of 2 week retention.
> That tape does not become scratch again until the 6 months have passed.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu [mailto:
> veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu] *On Behalf Of *Jackson, Todd
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 18, 2009 10:18 AM
> *To:* veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
> *Subject:* [Veritas-bu] Media Tape Writes and Retentions
> Hello All,
> I have a question concerning LTO tape writes that I need some clarity
> about.
> Scenario:
> If you have a Retention of 5 weeks for a policy and you write a job the
> first day which gives the
> Images 5 weeks until expiration. When you write to that tape again on week
> 2, week 3  …   etc.
> My question are
> 1) Will each week of writes have a separate 5 week retention?
> 2) Can the tape be written to again (over week 1 space on tape) by week 6
> or will something else happen?
> 3) When the time is unassigned I am assuming that is all backup images
> expiring. Will the tape be written to as
> long as it is in a Library or drive and not write protected ..  every time
> a segment of images expire on the tape?
> 4) When that happens how does the time assigned change? Will it keep the
> initial time assigned or change to the
> Latest time assigned image?
> |   Week 1, Write job    |   Week 2, Write job   |   Week 3, write
> job       |   Week 4, write job    |    Week 5, write job
> Any other information is appreciated concerning how this works.
> Thanks
> -T
> _______________________________________________
> Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
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