So this is a new Netbackup install and the old DLT tapes are from the
old installation?  Is using the old catalog as a base for the new a
possiblity?  Then you wouldn't have to import any tapes.

To read the DLT tape, you'll need a DLT drive, of course.  Why not just
label them as DLT just for clarity?  It's not like you're going to read
them in an LTO4 drive.  Netbackup will track tapes of different types
without problem.

A standalone drive would work fine, too, and it's a ton cheaper if it's
only for an emergency situation.  I used to keep one around for my old
DLT.  When you insert a tape, the AVR daemon will read the on-tape label
just as if it were a robotic barcode.  There's a whole section in the
manual on stand-alone tape drives.  You might import all the tapes
just-in-case you need to restore before they're ever needed and safe the
rather lengthy import process if somebody were to request a tape. 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of sql_noob
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 7:45 AM
Subject: [Veritas-bu] LTO4 recognized as DLT

hypothetically we aren't going to junk our old ADIC Scalar 1000 and the
solaris server that's running netbackup 6 MP4. we're just going to not
use them and/or shut them down until we need to restore something. Or
we're going to put in a SCSI card in the new server and just run the
ADIC to the new server or buy a 1 drive robot with 10 tape slots or so
for old restores. not sure yet.

if we end up importing our old DLT tapes into this new installation will
it be a problem? can we just label those tapes hcart or something else?

if we have to completely destroy the test backups we made so far, it's
not a problem since we're still testing.

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