You said:  


this is a brand new install. the old environment is so old that it was
too expensive to upgrade it or buy something to hold both types of
tapes. the ADIC is using DLT 8000 drives and we have the 40/80 GB tapes.
the SDLT drives that can read them can only be bought from junk dealers.


since this is my first time setting up netbackup, it's a learning curve.
and there is so much documentation it's too much to take in at once.
when it discovered the robot, drives and tapes it automatically labeled
them as dlt.


next week i'll probably change it to hcart. for now we'll probably use
the old robot and server for old restores. but it has been flaky in the
past and in case it dies for good we'll need to buy an old SDLT


>From your statements about how old the library and drives are, I expect
you're running an older version of NBU as well.  If you're running NBU
4.5, LTO4 drives aren't even supported. If you're running NBU 5.x they
are, but I expect the LTO4 drives show up as a DLT drive type because
you don't have an updated device mappings file that includes LTO4 drives
in it. This file is updated as new devices are qualified with NBU and is
posted on the support website, so it can be downloaded and installed on
your system. NBU uses the device mappings file for automatic
configuration and if the LTO4 drive doesn't exist in that file, NBU is
defaulting to use the most basic drive type related to a TLD robot type,
which would cause it to be configured as a DLT type. Whenever we qualify
new tape drives we update the device mappings file. A current device
mappings file isn't required for a LTO4 tape drive to work properly, but
it is required for NBU to configure it as one of the hcart types. 


You will also want to set up a barcode rule, so NBU automatically
recognizes/configures LTO4 tapes as the same drive/media type as the
LTO4 drive is configured. 


The device mapping files can be difficult to locate on the support web
site, so below are links to those files.  NBU 6.x UNIX/Linux  NBU 6.x Windows  NBU 5.x UNIX/Linux  NBU 5.x Windows


Don Peterson

Product Manager, NetBackup

Information Management Group

Symantec Corporation


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